Industry News

The laundry industry is setting up a Statistical Observatory

October 5, 2020
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The SYNEG Laundry Commission asked the Observatoire PROMOCUISINES/SYNEG® to produce statistics on the sales of professional laundry equipment.

For the first time, the Observatory is collecting quarterly sales declarations from leading companies in laundry equipment*, representing 70% of their market.

It measures the evolution in turnover and volume of the 3 main market segments: washers, dryers, ironers; and 16 sub-categories of equipment according to their load capacity. In addition, the Observatory monitors the evolution of the different drying energies (electricity, gas, steam).

The sector now has a unique, reliable and powerful tool on market developments. It is a valuable reference point to support companies in the development of their activity.

The first issue of the Observatory accurately measures the impact of Covid-19 crisis on sales.

The Observatory sets the size of the reference market** at €79 million (base: 2019).

In 2019, the market grew by +2% in value compared to 2018.

In 2020, the effect of the Covid-19 crisis on sales of professional laundry equipment was -22% in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019, and -34% in the second quarter alone!

Thanks to its fine analysis, the Observatory enables us to precisely measure and compare the evolution of the different market segments and sub-categories: we learn that sales of barrier washing machines, as aseptic equipment, have resisted the crisis better, unlike ironers, which are particularly exposed to the confinement of the hotel sector.

Prospects are improving: SYNEG forecasts a possible return to the 2019*** level of activity in the next spring.

First half of 2020 -22%
– first quarter -8%
– second quarter -34%

% change calculated on a comparable scope; basis Y/Y-1; value


** sales excl. VAT of professional laundry equipment: washers, dryers, ironers; excluding spare parts, services and industrial products.

***Source: SYNEG – monthly survey of probable activity trends (91% of respondents out of 56 member companies).